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  • have to look about the bars.

    had the flow rate in normal conditions at 180 sec. nothing changed on highway. now i experiment with 120 sec.

    and with my red wheels i can see if it is too much oil :)

    in rain i set up 50 sec or so.

    I have finished ~1500 km 3.5 day tour with mixed roads: a bit of straights, a bit of forest twists, a bit of narrow hairpins on Nockalmstrasse and Gross Glockner, and just ~150 km on a highway.

    It seems that drop per 90 seconds was a bit too often, as I got some oil/dirt collected around, although at least chain was nicely lubricated.


    I guess I'll have to follow your example and try 120 or 180 seconds interval...

  • 90sec per drop is rain setting, at least with CLS ("H1"-display). Chain would be very oily with this at dry conditions. Using CLS with display 5, but do not know time period for it. CLS recommends 3 for MT-07 chain size.


    >>> Momentan ist es nicht so, wie es sonst immer so ist, sondern es ist so, wie es sonst nicht immer so ist <<<