Von Fazebuk. Keine Ahnung wir man einen FB-Post teilt...
ZitatAlles anzeigenI have done some testing of true fuel capacity and real world fuel range. I strapped a small fuel can on to pillion, filled the bike up and rode the bike until the fuel ran out. The temp was about 22C. I rode on both tarmac and gravel in a way I would normally do. Result:
* Fuel range to stop: 383, 4 km
* Range on reserve (last segment on fuel gague blinking): 109,4 km
* Calculated fuel capacity: 15,6 l
* Avrage fuel consumption according to computer: 4,1 l/100 km.I have seen Avrage of 3,6 l/100 km when riding tarmc only for 100 km or so before the test.
The calculated consumption seems to be a tad higher than in the the real world. The real world consumption mesured at the pump was 0.394 when the computer said 0.41
EDIT: I rode in an inspired maner all the way to the stop. I will probably not do that without the spare fuel can. The 109,4 km reserve range can probably be extended a lot if I really need to.